Saturday, October 6, 2018

Silicon Valley Code Camp

Next weekend is the best place to learn and network in Silicon Valley. Volunteering will not only make an inexpensive experience even cheaper, but it will ensure that you make some nice contacts.

To Volunteer, first register and then:
  1. On the profile page, check the volunteer box and fill in your phone number.
  2. Fill in all required details including check the box "I can not attend this year", then SAVE.
  3. Go to the About/Volunteering and get your discount code.
  4. Register using your discount code.
  5. Go to About/Volunteering and choose "Select a Job" (then choose an available job).
Assuming you select a job, and complete the assignment, you will get a free dinner saturday night catered by Andy's BBQ, as well as very cool T-Shirt you can wear with pride for years! You can still go to most of the sessions, just not while you are volunteering.

1 comment:

  1. Hey i'm from java department and i was searching for a java jobs in silicon valley because i like coding and i have some of my projects live also and from this i found some jobs. Thank u admin
