Friday, October 26, 2012

Transfer to UC Santa Cruz!

Sign up for an appointment in the Transfer Center with Young Kim, UC Santa Cruz, Baskin School of Engineering.  Mr. Kim will be in the Transfer Center Thursday, November 1, from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

The UC Santa Cruz School of Engineering <> offers Bachelor Degrees in:

Computer Engineering
Computer Science: Computer Game Design
Computer Science: (BA and BS)
Electrical Engineering
Network and Digital Technology
Robotics Engineering
Technology and Information Management (formerly Information Systems Management)

You can see other college representatives visits at

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

University Transfer Day

Foothill is holding its annual university Transfer Day on Wed, 24 Oct, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Meet Admissions representatives and get answers to your questions. For more information:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Free Microsoft Software

Microsoft FREE Sofware - Deadline Oct 26, 2012

Microsoft offers free software to Foothill students through its MSDNAA program.  You can download developers tools and operating systems, but not office productivity applications like Microsoft Office.

If you would like a free download, send your email address in a Private Message to your CS instructor though Etudes.  Your request must be sent to your instructor before the 26th of October.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Internship at NASA Super Computing Division

NASA Ames Research Center is looking to fill an internship position. Their Super Computing Division is looking for one, possibly two Linux/Mac Systems Administrator Interns who are enrolled in relevant classes at Foothill.  

The title of the internsip is: 'NAS  Mac / Linux System Administrator Intern'

and the website is…

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Computer Science Research from Microsoft

The speaker series at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View is holding a free lecture on October 16. Microsoft Research is the largest computer science research organization in the world. Microsoft chief research officer will be in conversation with the New York Times technology reporter.