Monday, April 30, 2012

Friday, May 4th What do you want to do after you graduate?

Panel discussion with 4 Berkeley Alumni - CS Professor, a serial start up engineer, a career Microsoft employee and a independent Games Designer

Event contact:

Panel with CS Alumni

Panel Discussion: Departmental | May 4 | 10 a.m.-12 p.m. | Soda Hall, HP Auditorium (306)

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS)

Wondering what you might want to do after you graduate from Cal? This panel features a discussion with four Berkeley CS alumni from two decades ago: a CS professor, a serial start-up engineer, a career Microsoft employee, and a independent games designer.

Jonathan Blow is an independent video game developer. He designed the acclaimed game "Braid" and the forthcoming "The Witness.” He is also a partner in Indie Fund.

Adam Glass has spent the last 19 years writing systems software for Microsoft. He is currently focused on adapting Windows to support ARM processors and System-On-Chip platforms in general.

Piaw Na worked at 5 different pre-IPO companies and experienced 3 IPOs and 2 failures. He is the author of "An Engineer's Guide to Silicon Valley Startups" and "Startup Engineering Management.”

Dan Wallach is a professor in Rice University's department of computer science, where he specializes in computer security. He is also a member of the Air Force Science Advisory Board and the USENIX Association Board of Directors.

Light refreshments will be served beforehand.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Opportunity for you to reveiw software for Gizmo's website and be a volunteer Editor for Gizmo

Become an Editor for Gizmo's Freeware

Spend a few hours a month reviewing free software and telling the world about it. Gizmo's website has tens of thousands of visitors each day, all looking for the best sources for free software. As a volunteer editor you will be given a software category and expected to keep the information about free software in that category up to date.

Everyone who works at Gizmo's donates their time. Though there is no monetary gain in this position, it is great experience, will look good on your resume, and it will keep  you up to date with what is going on in the software industry.
 For more information see:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Thursday, April 26th Green Information Technology Work Shop

The Center for Advanced Transportation Technology and Energy is pleased to announce a FREE workshop:

Green Information Technology (IT)
Implementing Sustainability Initiatives for Enterprise and Communication Technology

IT Professionals/Students, Social Responsibility and Sustainability Managers, Architects, Facilities Managers, Commercial Developers or Contractors who are interested in learning about the role of information and communication technology in building a sustainable enterprise are encourage to attend/network. More info below.

This one evening/3 hour workshop, hosted by Richard Hodges of "", will be held at Mission College in Santa Clara, CA from 6-9:00 pm on Thursday, April 26th and is FREE for anyone who pre-registers. (limited to 80 registrants)

If your are interested in registering for the workshop please contact us via e-mail or call: (408) 741-2151.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Free Green IT Workshop at Mission College in Santa Clara, CA , April 26, 2012, 6 to 9 pm

"Green ICt is a set of values, goals, and efforts to use ICT to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, and green ICT is increasingly a part of the mindset and jobs of many ICT workers."

See the flyer below for all the information.

Two percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are currently attributed to IT operations.  That does not include power drains from consumer electronics in homes.  "Green IT" efforts to reduce those emissions are increasingly important strategically to all kinds of organizations and efforts.

Additionally, ICT is a key strategic element of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in most industries. "Smart Grid" are efforts to integrate sensors, controls and information systems into electricity distribution systems to make them more efficient and reduce associated greenhouse gases.  "Smart Buildings" are efforts to integrate sensors, controls and information systems into building management systems to make them more efficient and reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions.  "Smart Transportation" are efforts to integrate sensors, controls and information systems into traffic management and control systems to make them more efficient and reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions...

Green ICT is a set of values, goals and efforts to use ICT to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, and Green ICT is increasingly a part of the mindset and jobs of many ICT workers.

Following is information on a free Green IT workshop at Mission College in Santa Clara, CA on April 26th, 2012, from 6 to 9pm
Green IT Workshop Flier

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Women Vision - May 10 Free Admission - honors women making significant contributions to technology

College Students Get Free Admission to "Women of Vision" on May 10

"Women of Vision Awards Banquet and Top Company for Technical Women Workshop"
The Anita Borg Institute Women of Vision Awards, hosted by the Anita Borg Institute Board of Trustees, honors women making significant contributions to technology. One winner is selected in each category: Innovation, Leadership, and Social Impact. We also honor the Anita Borg Top Company for Technical Women award winner.

Several of our generous sponsors underwrite tables for college students to attend this event at no charge. This is a great opportunity to connect with other women in the technical community, and hear the stories of our incredible award winners. If you are a college student interested in attending, and plan to be in the Santa Clara area on May 10, please contact Rachelle Siskin "rachelles at anitaborg dot org" and request to be added to the guest list.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Check out the following new community groups that focus on computers

Suggestions fro Field Trips to Network with Local Industry

Check out the Plug and Play Tech Center in Sunnyvale

Visit the Computer History Museum in Mountain View
Drop in to the Hacker DoJo in Mountain View

Find and attend a meetup that interests you at

Join the Silicon Valley Forum