Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Looking for a Job?

All of your hard work in computer science classes will 
pay off with a good job!
Right now, local companies cannot find enough skilled
employees. While the unemployment rate for college 
graduates is near 10%, the unemployment rate for 
electrical engineering graduates is just 1%. 
In particular, there is a "dearth of computer science

Read the whole article at:

Monday, March 19, 2012

Love Iphone games ?

Learn how to make iPhone games!

Know Java or C++? Have a mac? MakeGamesWithUs is a free iPhone game 
development learning tool and game development community.  
We assume no prior knowledge in iPhone game development and teach you 
everything you need to know from scratch with step by step tutorials.
We've recently gone into beta and started accepting students from local colleges.

The tools we teach are the same that are used in the game industry. By 
the end of our second tutorial, you've made an Angry Birds clone. We 
then set you up to make a game from scratch, help you get professional 
art to skin it, and help you publish and promote it on the App Store.

Sign up to be a beta tester at